Whether you want your bloodwork reviewed as a simple double-check to make sure all is well or if you are experiencing what could potentially be iron-related symptoms and are in need of a more comprehensive bloodwork evaluation, I can help!

For me to help you, you will need to provide me with your name, contact details, stats (age, sex, ethnicity, weight, height, and waist circumference), any previously-diagnosed medical conditions, current and past symptoms, current medications, current dietary and supplement information, other health information such as past bloodwork if you have it, and current bloodwork results*.  (All personally-identifying information will be kept confidential.)

“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” – Thomas Carlyle

Based on this information, I can either provide you with a quick review or with my full consultation:  a written, thorough assessment, analysis, and suggested plan of action which includes a 30-minute Zoom meeting to help explain my thoughts and to answer any questions you may have, and this can also later include one follow-up written review and Zoom meeting to cover one set of future labwork results (if you should get them done) and symptom changes.  (Additional consultations after this are available à-la-carte.)

“Health is not valued till sickness comes.” – Thomas Fuller

*Test results:

I cannot provide any of my Quick Review or Consultation services [apart from the Canine Nutritional Consultation] unless you can provide me with specific blood test results.  So if you have not had all the necessary bloodwork performed very recently, you must get that done and send me the results so that I can provide my services with accuracy.

If you already have bloodwork results, just be aware that you may not have a recent-enough or complete-enough set of tests for me to reliably work from to determine what you may or may not have going on, and you therefore may need to have more tests ordered in order for me to provide my services.

Some people are able to have their doctor order the necessary blood testing for them.  If your doctor will not, or you don’t wish to go through your doctor to get it done, or you don’t have a doctor at all, then if you are in the U.S., I can easily set you up to get the testing purchased out of pocket (via a preferred company that uses Quest Diagnostics).

What I will not provide:
– recipes, meal plans, or shopping guides;
– recommendations for “alternative” therapies;
– medical advice, and my clients should always consult with their doctor on any specific dietary, supplement, medication, or lifestyle changes.

Finally, if you are under 18 years of age, your parent or legal guardian must sign you up for my services.

Further information can be found in the Elusive Iron Services FAQ, in the Website Terms & Conditions, and in the Website Privacy Policy.